Wednesday, October 10, 2012


col·lab·o·rate intransitive verb \kə-ˈla-bə-ˌrāt\:  to participate or assist in a joint effort to accomplish an end.
Synonyms band (together), concert, concur, conjoin, conspire, join, league, team (up), unite.
Related Words connive, affiliate, ally, associate, combine, confederate, hang together, interface, co-operate.

For starters, today is Robin’s day to post here at V&V.  Which is why she’s all over the place up above.  She’s there because…we collaborated!

It was a no-brainer once I had the brain fart.  Here she was on my side of the Pond, “short of eyes” while out-n-about in both Belgium and the Netherlands, often without internet access, flying home today (as we speak), and…let’s face it, outside her own world. 

So, after hanging together for 3 days this past weekend, Astrid with us, of course, we banded together and made the swap.  You’ll see her next Monday in my spot.

That got me thinking about virtual realities, the blogosphere, our websites…and collaboration. 

Vision and Verb has been around now for almost 3 years, thanks especially to
Marcie, our founder.  A handful of us still remain who can remember those early days.  And while we’ve watched many come and go, we’ve connived to protect a sense of “family” through our daily cooperation with women “of a certain age” around the world.  Even with some men who’ve dared to show up!

When it’s possible to actually meet bloggers in real life, virtual collaboration takes on a whole new meaning.  I, for one, will never “see” Robin in the same way again.  Trust me.  I will read her posts with a different knowingness and hope you will, too, because of all those smiles you see above.

I felt the same way about Petra and Cherry…2 other collaborators I’ve been privileged to meet...along with scads of photo-bloggers at my own Shutterchance site when Astrid and I met up with them in England 3 years in a row.

Marcie and I have talked about how fun it would be to have a Vision and Verb meet-up.  Can you imagine conspiring to unite one day, teaming up for a day or weekend of interfacing with each other!  Sure, it would be nigh impossible to get us all together in one concerted effort…but even if it’s one person at a time, why not!  Next year I hope to meet Sue, just north of Atlanta.  And Marcie…maybe in NYC with Robin.  These things take planning, you know.

To be honest, I’m thinking about this because of a recent discussion about our joint effort here.  And because of my August trip back to Michigan with my family!  I know it’s not the same for everyone; we all see things differently.  But to and for me, you are sometimes a better “family” than my own biological family.  They say blood is thicker than water but my own experience allies more with “you can’t choose your family but you can choose your friends.”

Okay, so I’m the sister everyone else can read like a book, and maybe you’re not, but at least I come to our “home” each day to see/hear you.  You talk.  I pay attention.  I listen.  I try to get to know you a bit better.  You do the same.  Together we team up to make something very special happen…something unique.

I don’t care what anyone else says, I just have to say THANK YOU.  Thank you for participating in this joint effort.  Thank you for being part of this association to accomplish an end.

And thank you for making me feel like I belong!  I hope you feel it, too!

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